Week 1: Self-Worth – Discover the essence of self-worth and its profound impact on every aspect of your life. Learn to recognise your inherent value and embrace your worthiness to pursue your dreams with confidence.
Week 2: Unlocking the Mind – Discover the intricate workings of the mind and uncover the programming that shapes our thoughts and actions. Learn how to identify and break free from limiting beliefs that hinder your growth.
Week 3: Mastering Self-Talk – Explore the profound impact of self-talk and thoughts on our lives. Gain practical strategies to take control of your inner dialogue and harness the power of positive thinking.
Week 4: Understanding Human Needs – Delve into the fundamental needs shared by all humans and explore the consequences when these needs are neglected. Gain insights into fulfilling these needs to lead a more fulfilling life.
Week 5: Exploring the Law of Attraction in Islam – Incorporating the principles of the law of attraction within the framework of Islam, discover how to align your intentions with your faith to manifest your desires and cultivate abundance in all aspects of life.
Week 6: Mastering Emotional Intelligence – Learn to navigate your emotions with grace and wisdom. Develop essential skills to understand, manage, and utilise emotions to your advantage in personal and professional settings.
Week 7: From Dreaming to Doing: A Goal; Setting Workshop with a Twist – Embark on a transformative journey from envisioning your dreams to taking tangible steps towards their realisation. Explore innovative goal-setting techniques to turn aspirations into achievements.
Your holistic transformational life coach. With a background in holistic coaching, business consulting, and public speaking.