Believe in yourself &
never give up on your journey
to inner peace.

The Within You!

Achieve total transformation with our comprehensive year-long program for mind, body, soul and spirit.

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Align Yourself With Your Inner Compass!

A year long personalized program with a step by step framework, which will systematically help you redesign every aspect of your life. Please scroll down to read more about my signature program The Universe Within You.

The Issue

Feeling helpless is common

Being in a difficult place can be a blessing in disguise, as it presents an opportunity for growth and change. The real challenge is remaining stuck without a plan to move forward. While traditional therapies may delve into the pain, they often fail to show individuals how they are responsible for their own feelings. This means that staying in a state of victimhood is a choice, but it requires deep self-reflection and understanding to break free from it.

Where Do I Begin ?

Finding the root cause

Healing the core of your pain requires a holistic approach that addresses all aspects of yourself – mind, soul, and spirit. By integrating these aspects, you can break free from patterns of abandonment that may have formed during childhood and that continue to play a major role in your life and drive your behavior as an adult. This approach is different from traditional therapies that often only address the mind and it can help you achieve lasting results.

Finding the root cause
Feeling stuck in creating lasting change?


Feeling stuck in creating lasting change?

As children, we may not have learned how to effectively deal with intense emotions and may have developed coping mechanisms that no longer serve us as adults. Ignoring our feelings, criticizing ourselves, and questioning our worth can lead to a loss of confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of self. Continuously using these coping mechanisms only reinforces them and perpetuates this cycle of self-abandonment.


Reminder of how I am not enough

The self-help industry and traditional therapies often teach you to ignore this inner critic when it tells you that you are not good enough, you cannot get that job because you are too young, too old, you can’t find a partner because you are not pretty enough… But this is wrong, your inner critic came into being to help you, to keep you safe at a vulnerable time and now you must listen to what it tells you about the emotions to process that are still stuck from that vulnerable age. The inner critic has important information for you to allow you to move forward by integrating the abandoned parts within you.

What Is The Point Of What I Am Doing?

Maybe it’s meant to be this way

In most cases, people don’t even realise that this is pain; you just think it’s life and it’s supposed to be difficult. You get so set in your ways that all this is on autopilot and not thought through. You triggers are intense but because you have mastered coping your way through, you don’t realise how your behaviour is actually holding you back from your truest potential and also from knowing yourself at the deepest level but the biggest loss of all is that you cannot expand your consciousness if you don’t wake up to this reality within you and this is the ultimate purpose of this temporary life, not only to end your suffering but to connect with the Divine through it.


And the cycle continues…

When the pain gets too much and when you do realise that you need help, you go to the GP who usually prescribes anti-depressants in an under 10 minutes appointment. Once you start taking the medication, in a matter of weeks, it completely numbs the pain away. Once the feeling of anxiousness and depression quieten down, you seemingly feel better but what you don’t realise is that you are not at all healing, you are merely hiding your pain away. As soon as you stop taking this medication, you will start to experience the same pain, triggers, and reactions as before. Therefore, you are petrified of stopping the medication.

Your sickness is from you, but you do not perceive it and your remedy is within you, but you do not sense it. You presume you are a small entity, but within you, is enfolded the entire Universe. Therefore you have no need to look beyond yourself. What you seek is within you, if only you reflect.

- Imam Ali

My life was changed by this one powerful quote from a Man I revere very much - and this is what set me off on a quest to find the Universe within me.

  • Reprogramme your subconscious mind
  • Reprogramme your subconscious mind
  • Reprogramme your subconscious mind

The Solution

Reprogramme your subconscious mind

Our potential is limitless, and our subconscious mind acts as a guiding system that runs our lives. What we feed our minds has a long-lasting impact on what we do and what we achieve in life. By choosing empowering beliefs, we create a blueprint for the reality we envision, and the more we transform through wisdom, the less we will have to grow through suffering.

The Solution

Eliminate your limiting beliefs

One small event in our lives can instil a negative belief in our subconscious mind that remains with us until the day we decide to alter our belief systems. These negative beliefs hinder our growth and stop us from becoming the authentic version of ourselves. By eliminating these obstructions in our minds, we allow ourselves to grow, which will gradually translate into our actions and daily lives.

  • Eliminate your limiting beliefs

The Solution

Take control of your life

Are we living the lives we want, or are we just drifting with the crowd? With the innumerable distractions that come with modern living, we lose focus of the universe within us. Here is where we need to pause and reflect on where we are right now and where we want to be. Begin thinking deliberately. Expressing our desires can help us think more clearly and head towards the road we were meant to be on.

The Solution

Have a crystal clear vision

We have the power to redirect ourselves and change our story. To do this, we need to set our goals and have a clear and all-encompassing vision of our future. If we know where we want to be, we can more easily assess where we are now. We derive more meaning and purpose from life when we can envision our pathway. Here is your chance to see the next decade of your life unfold before your eyes and know the overall purpose of your life.

The Solution

Become extraordinary & feel limitless

Once you have a clear vision, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Commit to yourself and the person you want to become and do the things you never thought you could. There is a system in place which forces us to live a mediocre life. Find your North Star. Live your own vision, escape the photocopy life, and transform yourself into the extraordinary person you are.



Salaam, I’m Uzma Naqvi, your new coach and mentor. Alhamduliallah, I’ve created a life of purpose where I try my very best to make every day better than the previous one. With Allah’s grace, I have a successful business and am a sought-after mentor and speaker. But I really wasn’t always like this…

  • Qualified Holistic Transformational Life Coach
  • Mindvalley Certified Life Coach and Business Coach & a Business Consultant
  • Accredited by International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Accredited by European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)
  • Sought-after Public Speaker
  • Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Ho'oponopono Trained
  • Thought Field Therapy (Tapping Therapy)
  • Founder of a Global Non-Profit Organization, Club 313, Dedicated to Youth Empowerment
  • An Author in the Making
  • Numerous other trainings and coaching; a passionate learner for life

Come, embark on a new journey with me!
